Monday, November 7, 2011

Hampton's 1st Happy Halloween!!

This year was Hampton's 1st Halloween so I was excited to be able to dress him up and I knew he would look precious in whatever we decided.  Even though he had NO idea what was going on, he was still a good sport and we had fun going trick or treating with Hughes and Lucy!  We had us a little cow (or baby calf as I liked to call him) for Halloween this year and boy was he the cutest little cow I had ever seen.  Our neighbors across the street from us has a little boy, Caden, who is 11 months old.  They came over before we left and we let Hampton and Caden sit together for a couple of pictures.  They were WAY too cute not to.  One day he will probably kill me for these pictures, but it will be fun for him to see him and his friend for both of their first Halloween's!!   I can't wait for them both to get a litte older and actually play together.  I think they will be best buds. 
Hampton's face is PRICELESS. I can only IMAGINE what he was thinking. :)

They neither one were too fond of picture time in some crazy costume

After some good laughs at Caden and Hampton's photo shoot we headed to Mimi and Papa's house in Westbrook for more pictures and then a little trick or treating to get the good stuff.  He was hysterical when he first saw Lucy.  She was a cupcake and obviously he thought she was a pretty darn funny cupcake.  He just smiled when he first saw her and couldn't stop staring.  Hughes was Mark Ingram (AL football player in case you are in left field and don't care anything about football) so he wasn't as funny to him.  After pictures, we headed out to get the kids crack and we got lots of oooohs and awwwws over our little cow.  He had eaten supper right before we went over there so I just knew he'd probably end up being asleep or falling asleep once we started out, but oh no.  'Ole nosey rosey was awake the WHOLE time.  I was shocked.  Being strolled and all.  Never even dozed off one time.  He was such a little trooper and was in complete amazement at all the weirdness around him.  I guess in his book, staring at all the weirdness around him trumped going to sleep.  We had a great time and next year will really be a FUN time for him.  I can't wait to see how he will react to it then.  If I had to bet, I would say putting a precious cow costume won't be nearly as easy as it was this year. :)

Mimi with all her babies...this is a rare (and rather difficult) picture to capture! 
Especially with at least one child not having a meltdown.

With our precious little cow!

Since Hampton was still so little this year and can't eat the good stuff, Mimi gave him baby food and a bib in his Halloween goody bag from them.  I thought it was a pretty darn perfect idea on Mimi's part if you ask me.

Even though a little late, I hope everyone had as fun as a time as we did on Halloween this year!  Better late than never, right?!


  1. Goodness! Hampton is such a cute 'baby calf"! I love the pics of Hampton and his sweet little friend! Looks like ya'll had a fun 1st Halloween with lil' Hampton!

  2. Thank you, Lindsay!! It really was a ton of fun.
