Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I love the fact that we are another day closer to meeting our little angel!!

I am loving that I had another baby shower this past weekend.  Daniel's family gave us a shower at Mamaw's house in Marietta, GA.  Hampton really stocked up and got some awesome gifts!!  I am blessed to have such wonderful in laws!  Here are a few pics captured from this weekend.

A precious (and oh, so yummy) cake!
Precious giraffe that makes soothing will also go with the jungle theme in his room!
Willow tree sculpture of a Man, Lady, and baby

An adorable little puppy robe
 Those were just A FEW of the wonderful things Hampton got!  I can't wait for him to get here to actually use all of this stuff!
It was also Mamaw's 81st birthday!
Such an amazing woman!
I'm thankful I was given the chance to not only know her,
but be a part of her life and call her "Mamaw".
I am loving that Hughes' t-ball season started again.  It is his 2nd year to play and he LOVES it and is SO good at it!  For those of you who know me well, know that the Hughes family LIVED at the ballpark growing up and I wouldn't trade a single second of it.  I LOVE when it's spring time and the days get longer and we fill the time with being at the ballpark.  In fact, for many years I have longed for that feeling again and now that Hughes is old enough to play ball that void has been filled and it feels so good!!  Being out there again the other night brings a rush of amazing memories back and with my own little boy on the way, I couldn't help but get a little giddy feeling inside thinking about passing on the tradition of living at the ballpark with Hampton.   
This year he is on the pitcher's mound and he couldn't be any cuter standing out there.
It was a whole lot easier to get down beside him for this picture
than it was to get back up at 30 weeks preggo!  But, I NEVER have and
NEVER will pass up a chance to take a picture with this handsome fella!

And as always, I am loving my wonderful husband!

What are you loving today?

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