So, this past Friday was my last official day with Hampton as a stay at home mom. He started daycare today so I knew I wanted to make it a special day for us both. We hung out running errands that morning and went to the mall afterwards. We grabbed some yummy lunch from Chick fil a while we were there. Afterwards we went to see this guy...
And ride a few of these...
I guess he thought he didn't need a nap on his last day of summer so by the time we were at Chuckee Cheese he was literally a zombie. I know he enjoyed riding the rides, but his expressions sure wasn't showing it. Oh well. I had fun watching him and thoroughly enjoyed my time with him (as always!). He still brought a smile to my face. Nap or no nap. ;)
Later that afternoon, I left for a girls beach trip in Panama City with my besties, Alexis, Brooke, and Jenni K. It was a well deserved and MUCH needed trip. Of course I missed my time away from my 2 sweet boys, but there's nothing like a girls weekend getaway at the beach once in a blue moon. To say we had a blast would be an understatement. A lot of laughs, good food, plenty of gossip, and relaxing on the beach. What more could a girl ask for?! We started our night off by eating some delicious seafood at Reggae J's at Pier Park. Then made our way down to Rum Runners. I LOVE piano bars. They play such fun songs and it's always a hoot people watching.

Saturday morning it was cloudy and we were on the beach about 10 minutes before mother nature decided not to play nice. The clouds rolled in and here came the rain. So, we headed over to Hook D to grab some lunch. It's a little hole in the wall place right across from pier park and on the beach. Neat little place to grab some lunch in your swimsuit and cover up. ;) During lunch, the clouds parted ways and the sun was finally shining rays of light!!! It was a beautiful sight. Haha! We quickly finished and headed back. For the next 5 hours straight I looked at this...
It. was. pure. bliss. Literally. We soaked up all the vitamin D we could handle (which was enough for me to look like a lobster at the end of the day). Goal accomplished. After getting ready, we headed over to the Red Bar in Grayton Beach. YUMMY. That's all I can say.
After a full course meal at Red Bar and the sun soaking up every ounce of energy we had in our bodies that day, we took it back to the condo where we all 4 piled up in a king size bed in our p.j.'s and watched the Olympics. Ahhhhh. Heaven again. Full from the Red Bar, exhausted from the day, p.j.'s, no make up, King size comfy bed, Olympics on the tv. I didn't think the trip could get any better, but it proved itself wrong. And yep, all on a Saturday night. Ha!! The next morning Lex and I went and ate breakfast at Another Broken Egg while Jenni and Brooke soaked up a little more r&r on the sand. I was sad to leave, but SO excited to see my guys when I got home. I'm already looking forward to our next Fab Four trip!!!
Last, but not least, as I had said before Hampton's first day at Evergreen Presbyterian was today.
So precious!
Fortunately, Daniel was able to go with me to take him. I am so thankful we were able to take him together. :)
I sobbed last night in bed thinking about him having to go, but this morning God granted me the peace and understanding I had prayed for. We ALL did great! We got there about 7:35 and left him about 8.
We had probably been there 2 minutes and he was itching to get out of my arms. I let him down and he was off and playing. :)
By the time we left one of his teachers, Ms. Tamara, was already loving on him. They went down the hall to get the others and he didn't even look back at Mommy and Daddy! We were already a memory. ;)
I thought it was so cute seeing his name above his book bag hook. It really hit me that my little man is really growing up fast. Although, I don't think he could be in better hands!

The morning proved not to be such an emotional disaster like I had imagined it being. We are so incredibly blessed for him to be at Evergreen and to be so laid back and content like he is. Both of those helped our transition to go so smoothly this morning. Not to mention all the prayers we had from friends and family. Even though I didn't cry, it was still hard leaving him. I know he is in great hands though and I look forward to him learning so much and making little friends!! Thank you Lord for your abundant Love and blessings!! One last was raining when we dropped him off so I didn't get the picture of him standing by the Evergreen sign that I wanted. I was so bummed, but I'm hoping it will be stopped by the time I pick him up and we can sneak one in then. We'll see. Not if he hasn't taken a nap all day... ;)